Joshua Gordon

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Guelph, Ontario, Canada
I live in Guelph - an artsy, tree hugging university town in Ontario. I work hard to be a creative and innovative influence in the places I find myself. Most of the time that looks like networking with other creatives, researching, or filling up my sketchbook / journal with ideas.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Are You Ready for This Adventure?

So the other day I was thinking about my love affair with stories. Nothing worms its way into me like a great story can. I wrote the following in my journal a while ago; I stumbled over it while re reading entries.

Story is dangerous; it moves inside me, with an inherent power to restructure. A truly good story always makes me feel more alive - more truly myself. A great story can lay open deep seated needs, often inspiring startlingly honest emotional responses. Good stories give me a glimpse of what I could become when i am most human.

Yah. I remember reading 'The Book of the Dun Cow' by Walter Wangerin and being completely blown away. It was amazing. Incredible. To me, at that moment, it represented everything I love about story and everything I want my writing to be. It's skilfull and deep themes are woven throughout - not necessarily observable at first glance. But if you're careful, you can spot them and their sacred meanings moving about subtly in the shadows.

Aaagh! It's so cool! Words are so powerful - whether finely crafted into exquisitely wrought poetry or firmly set into the strong plain settings of ancient lore.

Aaanyways, as I was saying, I was thinking about all of this (see above) when I wondered how to pass on or convey it to my kids (which have yet to be conceived). I decided that everytime I would read them a story or watch a movie with them, I would say "Are you ready for this adventure?"

So, I ask you? Are YOU ready for this adventure?

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